Counseling Treatment Plan Two

Counseling Treatment Plan Two

Scenario for Case Study #2

A couple enter for their intake regarding pre-marital counseling. They have been dating for approximately fifteen months. They are wanting to get married; however, they are concerned with several issues. The woman has been married twice before. She has one child with each of her past ex-husbands. She has an eight-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy. The man has been married once before. He has one child, a boy, age 13.

Both woman’s ex-husbands play a large role in the children’s lives. However, the man’s ex-wife has nothing to do with her son. The woman receives a large alimony check that she would lose if she re-marries. This is a concern since she does not work outside the home. The man has a good job, but they would be living on a tight budget without her alimony check each month. Check tips on how to do your Case Study Assignment.

They have discussed living together, but, if it is proven that they are cohabitating, she would still lose the alimony. The children have not met each other at this point. The woman’s ex-husbands are not aware that she has been in a serious relationship.

Counseling Treatment Plan Two

Counseling Treatment Plan Two

The 13-year-old boy has been in trouble with the juvenile court system for inappropriately touching girls at school. The last episode was six months ago. He has been in counseling for over one year. The man has not told the woman of his son’s issues.

Again, they have come in for pre-marital counseling and how they should tell the children the news if they decide to marry.

  1. Presenting Symptoms/Issues (i.e., Anxiety, Depression, etc.) (Spaces are provided for three symptoms or issues, but you may have less or add more, if needed.)
  2. Information that Supports Item I. (How did you arrive at the above conclusions? Again, you may have less or more information here.)

III.        Treatment Theoretical Approach(es): List and describe one or two theories that you, as the counselor, would use to work with the individual/family and give a rationale for choosing those approaches. Please do not describe a “integrated” approach but, rather, describe one or two specific theories. For each theory you list here, describe it using at least 250 words. Cite at least two scholarly sources in this description (no websites!).

  1. Treatment Modalities (i.e., Specify Group, Family, Couple, Individual—make sure that your choice of treatment modalities correlates with what you are going to do with the individuals in the scenario.)
  2. Reasons for the Chosen Modalities in Item IV
  3. Frequency of Sessions for Each Modality in Item IV

Counseling Treatment Plan Two

VII.       Measurable Treatment Goals (Be sure to state these using action verbs. For example, “The client(s) will be able to identify, discuss, describe, etc.”)

VIII.      Techniques from Theoretical Approaches: Based on the theory you described in section III above, list and describe three techniques that you could use for this case. Describe each technique using at least 150 words. These techniques/interventions should be directly related to the theory you described in Item III. Besides your textbook, include at least two other scholarly sources (articles or textbooks; no websites).

  1. Frequency for Evaluating Each Goal (Will you evaluate after each session? …after two sessions? etc.)
  2. How will Progress be Defined? [What will you be looking for regarding progress with your client(s)?]