Public Speaking Week 2

Public Speaking Week 2

9 Tips to overcome public speaking anxiety.pdf

Attached you will find 9 Tips to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety.

Review the tips and write a 2 page APA Style paper on Public Speaking Anxiety, your obervation and/orexperience, and your thoughts how can to overcome it. Check tips on how to do your Nursing Essay. 


Choose a Topic (Source) and answer the questions. The questions below will help you how to research for your and develop a speech properly.

Was the information you found on your topic a unique source, or informationthat was repeated in all or most of your sources?

Public Speaking Week 2

Public Speaking Week 2

Who is the original author or “speaker” of your topic?

What is the title of the source?

What do you know about the topic and any citation? Is she/he an expert, such as a scientist, doctor, government official, college professor, etc?

Where did you find the information? In what journal or magazine, onwhat website, in what book?

If a website, who sponsors the website (what organization, government, company)?

When was this information published? What is the date on it?

Are you repeating the source’s words exactly or just abstracting (summarizing) what was said? Which would be better, in this case? What wording are you using to find your information.

Follow the Rubric for Written Assignments

Public Speaking Week 2

9 Tips to overcome public speaking anxiety.pdf

Attached you will find 9 Tips to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety.

Review the tips and write a 2 page APA Style paper on Public Speaking Anxiety, your obervation and/orexperience, and your thoughts how can to overcome it.


Choose a Topic (Source) and answer the questions. The questions below will help you how to research for your and develop a speech properly.

Was the information you found on your topic a unique source, or informationthat was repeated in all or most of your sources?

Who is the original author or “speaker” of your topic?

What is the title of the source?

Public Speaking Week 2

What do you know about the topic and any citation? Is she/he an expert, such as a scientist, doctor, government official, college professor, etc?

Where did you find the information? In what journal or magazine, onwhat website, in what book?

If a website, who sponsors the website (what organization, government, company)?

When was this information published? What is the date on it?

Are you repeating the source’s words exactly or just abstracting (summarizing) what was said? Which would be better, in this case? What wording are you using to find your information.

Follow the Rubric for Written Assignments