Week 4 Case Study 2

Week 4 Case Study 2

White female – age 35
Family history unremarkable
Occasional alcohol intake

Subjective data:

Patient reports: dizziness and nearly passing out when standing up; a recent weight loss of 30 lbs. in the past 6 weeks due to dieting; limiting fluid intake

Objective data:

CBC/metabolic panel- normal, BMI 36, Blood pressure sitting:  130/80; BP standing:  100/70

Check tips on how to do your case study assignment

Include the following in your discussion post:

1)What is the diagnosis and its pathophysiology? 2) How is it diagnosed? 3) What are the contributing factors this patient has for this specific diagnosis? 4) Are there differential diagnoses you have and why? 5) What education would you provide?

Week 4 Case Study 2

Week 4 Case Study 2

White female – age 35
Family history unremarkable
Occasional alcohol intake

Subjective data:

Patient reports: dizziness and nearly passing out when standing up; a recent weight loss of 30 lbs. in the past 6 weeks due to dieting; limiting fluid intake

Objective data:

CBC/metabolic panel- normal, BMI 36, Blood pressure sitting:  130/80; BP standing:  100/70

 Include the following in your discussion post:

1)What is the diagnosis and its pathophysiology? 2) How is it diagnosed? 3) What are the contributing factors this patient has for this specific diagnosis? 4) Are there differential diagnoses you have and why? 5) What education would you provide?

Week 4 Case Study 2

White female – age 35
Family history unremarkable
Occasional alcohol intake

Subjective data:

Patient reports: dizziness and nearly passing out when standing up; a recent weight loss of 30 lbs. in the past 6 weeks due to dieting; limiting fluid intake

Objective data:

CBC/metabolic panel- normal, BMI 36, Blood pressure sitting:  130/80; BP standing:  100/70

 Include the following in your discussion post:

1)What is the diagnosis and its pathophysiology? 2) How is it diagnosed? 3) What are the contributing factors this patient has for this specific diagnosis? 4) Are there differential diagnoses you have and why? 5) What education would you provide?

Patient reports: dizziness and nearly passing out when standing up; a recent weight loss of 30 lbs. in the past 6 weeks due to dieting; limiting fluid intake.