Crisis Intervention and Trauma

Crisis Intervention and Trauma

The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon the integration of skills you have learned in Counselling 1&2 as well as the skills you are learning in this course.
You will write an APA style paper with 12 Times New Roman fonts. This means including an introduction, body, and conclusion. The paper will be a minimum of 4 pages and maximum of 5, not including the cover and reference pages. While this is meant to be a reflection paper, if you use any ideas that are not your own you must cite
and reference the author in APA format. Do not use power point as a source, all the information in class comes from your readings, cite the appropriate reading. If you are not using any external resources, you do not need a reference page. Ensure that you use proper sentence structure, grammar, paragraphs, and spelling.

Check tips on how to do your Social Work Assignment.

Crisis Intervention and Trauma

Crisis Intervention and Trauma

This is a guide as to what you should include in your reflection. Feel free to addany self-reflection that you feel is relevant to your unique experiences.
• Reflect on the key skills you have learned. Which of those skills came naturally? Which were harder to implement?
• How will/does your own lived experiences and values impact your role as an SSW?
• What were the things in the classes up to this point that resonated with you and why?
• For the skills that you have identified as needing improvement, how will you improve? Do not simply state you will practice them, be more detailed. What kind of goals will you set for yourself and how will you hold yourself accountable for these goals?

Crisis Intervention and Trauma

• How will you ensure that you structure your practice with a trauma informed lens?
• How will you ensure that you practice with cultural awareness and humility?
• How will you ensure that you practice self-care? What is your self-care plan?
(See the picture attached to this assignment sheet to ensure you discuss the pillars of self-care that you would include in your plan)