You and Theory

You and Theory

This discussion has two parts – first a case study then a discovery post. Your discovery post should address the question at the bottom of this section in bold in addition to what you have learned  from the unit and discussion.

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Consider the case of Maria, respond to these three questions and

  1. Briefly describe Maria using one of the models presented our readings (just describe not conceptualize the WHY of what is going on with her). You can choose your model – ones to strongly consider is the ADDRESSING model, PDI, Racial and Cultural Identity models, Ecological Model (EMMCPP). We encourage you to use resources to deepen your knowledge of these as you consider who Maria is.
  2. Using concepts from your readings, explain why you think Maria is experiencing her presenting problem (anxiety and depression). Be sure to use  tenets/constructs noted from theories and identify from what theory are derived.
  3. Analyze Maria’s situation using the empowerment counseling framework. Be sure to identify the power dynamics and intersections of privilege and oppression that impact their client’s experiences of anxiety and depression and discuss how you would empower their client using the four main components of empowerment counseling. Be sure not to forget her age!!

You and Theory

You and Theory

The Case of Maria

Maria, a 14-year-old Latina girl, finds herself in a tumultuous internal struggle as she grapples with confusion about her sexuality. Raised in a family with strong religious beliefs, Maria’s journey to self-discovery has led to feelings of anxiety and depression, exacerbated by the perceived rejection she experiences from her family.

Presenting Issues: Maria experiences excessive worry, trouble concentrating, difficulty sleeping, and headaches and body aches. Maria experiences periods of sadness and crying, where she finds herself sitting in her room doing nothing or walking around her neighborhood alone listening to music for hours. She is having trouble in school and isolating herself from her friends. Maria first experienced an attraction to a good female friend about six months ago. They were not dating, just spending a lot of time together. Maria felt a deep connection to her friend, and later began to feel physical sensations when they would hang out. Maria was not sure what was going on and began to ruminate about her feelings for this friend and what this meant about her. One time when they were hanging out, they hugged and Maria experienced a moment where she wanted to kiss her friend. Since that day, she has not spoken to her friend and not explained why, despite her friend reaching out regularly to reconnect. About four months ago, her mom was in her room during and Maria was crying. Maria let it “slip” about her feelings. Her mother immediately shut her down, dismissing her feelings, and said, nice Catholic girls don’t do things like that. Maria is reluctant to open up about her feelings, fearing judgment and rejection from those around her so, in her words, she has shut down.

You and Theory

Family History: Maria is the youngest of three children to married parents. Her older siblings are both boys, and five and three years older than her. Maria’s family is deeply religious, and active in the Catholic faith. They attend services weekly, and Maria’s mother attends twice per week. Maria’s parents do not talk about romantic relationships, sexuality, and opted out of the school’s physical education sessions on health and sex education. Close to her parents growing up, Maria is finding herself shut out. Her attempts to share her feelings have been met with resistance and disapproval, reinforcing a sense of rejection. Her older brother is at college, and is not aware of what is happening, but her younger brother tries to support her.

Academic History: Maria’s anxiety and depression have taken a toll on her academic performance. The once vibrant and engaged student has experienced a noticeable decline in grades. Concentration difficulties, absenteeism, and a lack of motivation contribute to her academic struggles. When in class, her teacher complains about her day dreaming and not participating. She is passing all classes, but last school year she was an all A student in honors classes. Since beginning high school, she has struggled get settled in a routine with homework, which there is more of, and how to organize the information coming in. The pace is faster, there are more tests, and she just does not have the energy sometimes to care about it.

You and Theory

Social History: Maria’s struggles with identity and the fear of rejection have led to significant changes in her social life. Once an active participant in social events, she now withdraws from her peers, avoiding social interactions. She spends time in the library during lunch, and did not join any clubs when she She does not feel she has any friends who would understand how she is feeling and chooses to limit her social interactions. She does play soccer, and is cordial with her teammates but does not go to any of the get togethers unless they are during a tournament (the whole team goes to lunch).


Your Original Post is due by Monday 20th. There is no prescribed length for your posts, but they should reflect your own work, exhibit a high level of synthesis of course materials, and reflect a high caliber of scholarly writing. Citations and references are to be included in your responses.  Your post should reflect APA 7 requirements.