Counseling Theories Threaded Discussion

Counseling Theories Threaded Discussion


Please address the prompt below, in full, and submit it to the threaded discussion forum by the date designated on the course calendar.

After submitting your initial post, please provide substantive replies to the initial posts of at least two of your peers. Finally, please provide the courtesy of responding to any relevant questions and/or comments posed in reply to your original post.  Please keep in mind that Threaded Discussions (TD) assignments are meant to serve as dynamic conversations similar to those that might take place in a traditional classroom setting. With that, you should log-in and participate in the forum discussion several times throughout the week.

Counseling Theories Threaded Discussion

Discussion Board Question

There are two components to address within your initial post in this TD.  Part I requires you to reflect upon the theories presented in the context of the course text as per the assigned reading included within this unit. Part II requires you to identify a theorist who has contributed to the profession but is not typically highlighted in textbooks such as the one associated with this course.

Check tips on how to do your Psychology Assignment

Counseling Theories Threaded Discussion

Part I

Consider each of the popular counseling theories highlighted in the unit’s assigned reading. Then, write a comprehensive 1-2 paragraph post that addresses:

  • Of the theories highlighted, which most resonates with you and why?
  • What more do you desire to learn about this theory to best assist you in learning to be more effective as a counselor?
  • Describe the utility of this theory in work across populations, including its limitations.

Part II

  • As you likely noted, most of the theories highlighted within the Gladding text were proposed by White upper-class males who are likely most accurately described as Eurocentric in their perspective.   Please access the Seton Hall library and/or other scholarly resources to identify a counseling theory/approach that was developed by an individual who does not meet this demographic profile. Then, in 1-2 paragraphs, please introduce this individual to the class.   What does this person have to say about human nature, the practice of counseling, etc.?

Counseling Theories Threaded Discussion

As always, please make sure that your initial post reflects graduate-level writing skills and includes both citations and references.  Please provide your response in paragraph form rather than via bullet points.  Feel free to include links and/or attach articles and similar materials highlighting the theorist you described in Part 2 of your post.