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Human Sexuality Presentation
Purpose: It’s time to put together everything you’ve learned over the past six weeks. Throughout the span of this course, you have gained a comprehensive understanding of human sexuality. Now, you will design a framework for a comprehensive sex ed curriculum.
Instructions: We’ve discussed how sex education is usually geared toward adolescents, but that sexuality is part of the whole life span. There’s something to learn at every stage. Choose a specific audience and create an outline of the topics you would include in a comprehensive sexual health/education curriculum for that audience. For example, youth at church, parents of young children, youth at a community center, couples, women, etc. For each topic, include a brief summary of what you would include and your rationale for including it. Include references from this course and at least two outside sources to back up your reasoning. This should be in the form of a slide presentation, with at least one slide per section of your curriculum. Record audio of yourself giving the presentation. You may include the infographic(s) that you created in Module 4.
Human Sexuality Presentation
Note: Creating a narrated slideshow is easy. See the creating a screencast page for some helpful links.
Make sure to record audio of yourself presenting each of the slides that you will be adding to the slide presentation.
Click the “Submit Assignment” link in the upper right corner to upload your assignment.
Check tips on how to do your Nursing Assignments.
Minimum of 12 slides
Make it look organized, add pictures where you can, etc. I have to present this to a live audience and record it.
Pick an age group to present to it can be any but adolescent. Maybe young children 8-12 or even children that age with autism or other learning or behavioral disabilities since I do that for work!
Discuss anatomy and physiology of both male and female genitalia
Discuss importance of using correct terminology for sex anatomy
Use pictures but make sure they are age appropriate or understandable, not extremely detailed imagines if you choose kids.
Human Sexuality Presentation
How anatomy and physiology may looks at age group you choose (so if you do 50+ years old maybe discuss women having lower hanging breasts, or typically drier vagina. For men
maybe having erectile dysfunction.
Or if it’s towards young population, you can discuss puberty and what that looks like for boys and girls (girl develop breast and begin menstruating or how boy’s testosterone increases and they develop muscle, deeper voices, sperm production begins, etc)
Discuss cultural beliefs on sex
Sex only after marriage
Use of oral or anal sex instead of Vaginal intercourse
Discuss safe sex practices
STD prevention whether it be condoms or oral preventatives like prep for HIV
Human Sexuality Presentation
Knowing your STD/STI status
Can discuss types of STD in brief format
Just a reminder needs to be age appropriate for whatever age group you select
Discuss conceptions of healthy relationships
Building intimacy (non sexual context)
Similar hobbies/interest
Anything else you might think of
Discuss the sexual response system
Maybe discuss types of sexual relationships
Nonethical monogamy
Discuss sexual orientation
Discuss consent and if talking to older age, add consent in marriages or mature relationships
Discuss maybe the founders of sexology like Freud or Alfred Kinsey (maybe just briefly mention them, not too much details)