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Psychographic Study Assignment
Working in pairs only, you will design, implement and analyze in detail, a lifestyle profile for the designated group. Research Authorization Forms must be completed BEFORE any research is conducted.
- Define the Objectives: Begin by identifying what it is that you will attempt to find out about this particular group. Make sure to keep these as they will be included in the report under purpose of the study.
- Lifestyle Dimensions:
- Choose which 5 or 6 categories of AIO (Text Book and Slides Chpt.6) you will begin working with (i.e. Work, Family, Shopping, Products, or Social Issues).
- Then begin to compile a list of 30 Example #2 contains examples of statements.
- Compile your statements in a general plan (example #2). This is critical because this plan will become the organization tool for your analysis later for This must be done and statements reviewed by instructor by Feb 19th for a final time before you submit into a survey form. Instructor must sign off on your statements.
Psychographic Study Assignment
- Approval of Statements:
- Once approval is received then you can go on to step #4.
- Creating the survey instrument:
- Scramble all of the statements. Using an agree/disagree scale; create your psychographic instrument by mixing up the statements. NOTE: make sure to include a neutral zone, and do not use the “somewhat” and “a little” categories.
- Develop the demographic categories that will be included so that you can identify characteristics of your participants.
- Create the survey in Google Forms
- Email me the link so that I can check out the survey BEFORE any respondents participate.
NOTE: This portion of the assignment should be completed by Feb 26th and polished survey should be ready to administer.
Check tips on how to do your Physiology Assignment Help.
Implementing the survey:
- Interview a minimum of 10 respondents EACH team member (do not interview people who are family or enrolled in this class). Choose your respondents carefully. Make sure that your survey instrument includes the Research Ethics Committee’s requirements at the beginning of the survey (Explaining to respondents the purpose of the study, who is conducting it, who they can contact if they have an issue).
- Remember to hand in ALL documentation after completing the research study, so that results can be destroyed once the project is marked.
- Report Design:
Purpose of the Study: who were you studying, what had you hoped to find out, how were participants chosen, when & where was the test conducted.
Psychographic Study Assignment
Example of the test instrument: label and include an example of the psychographic test.
Research analysis: these should be numeric results and percentage analysis according to your general plan. Analyze by section what you had hoped to track, and why, along with what was actually uncovered.
For example:
My work provides me with interesting
social interactions. 5 9 0 2 2
(You would then include the other statements related to work and their results..
Seventy percent of respondents indicated that they agreed with the statement.
(You would look for commonalities or differences in results for the grouping of statements in the category.)
Psychographic Study Assignment
Findings and interpretations: marketing related analysis related to concepts studied: affective, cognitive, environments, behaviors, attributes, values, attention, comprehension and inferences, etc.
Format: computer generated, title page, table of contents, standard margins, page numbers, titles, professional business language, stapled.
Spelling and grammar will be assessed.
Reports with more than two errors in spelling or grammar will be returned to the group. One grade will have been deducted. Groups have 24 hours to resubmit the report error free. If another error is found, the group will receive a 50% deduction in the mark.
All sources must be cited using APA requirements. Any plagiarism will result in a “0” grade for the entire assignment.
Late Assignments
All assignments are due at the time class is scheduled to begin on the date specified by the professor. Prior written approval from the professor is required for assignments submitted late or outside of class. Such exceptions would only apply in extenuating circumstances and substantiating documentation may be required.