

Nursing OPT & CCCR Model

Nursing OPT & CCCR Model In your own words describe the OPT model and the CCCR model. How have you used it in caring for patients and their families in a clinic setting? Support all responses using at least one…

Health Promotion legislative Efforts

Health Promotion legislative Efforts Part 1 – This week as we explore current legislative efforts, health care policies, and the need for health promotion in our communities, please visit the ANA webpage related to advocacy issues in nursing practice today…

Capstone Change Implementation Plan

Capstone Change Implementation Plan The purpose of this assignment will be to begin developing an implementation plan for your project. In 750-1,000-words, include the following in your plan: In 1-2 sentences, summarize the problem or issue being addressed by your…

Quality Measures Data Analysis

Quality Measures Data Analysis Consider the quality measures data currently analyzed at your practice location. If you do not have a current practice location, select a local healthcare facility or provider As a nurse leader what strategies can you implement…

Nursing Staffing Schedule

Nursing Staffing Schedule Staffing Schedule and Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Rationale Assignment: Develop a staffing schedule with rationale. You can use your work schedule as a reference. Please do not submit your organizations work schedule. This assignment should be your original schedule…

Psychology R Studios Task

Psychology R Studios Task R1 Throughout this course we will be using RStudio as our environment for working with the R programming language. Please refer to M0: Succeeding in This Course for R and RStudio download instructions. Before you begin…

Psychology-Discussion Assignment

Psychology-Discussion Assignment 1, Burn out video Staffing shortages. As a future health care administrator, describe specific strategies to minimize burnout and to attract more health care workers to your institution. What incentives could you provide? How will you create…

Social Psychologists Book Review

Social Psychologists Book Review Book Review for Social Psychologists Prepare a three-page (double-spaced) review of the course textbook intended for social psychologists and other mental health or social work professionals. Identify themes from the book that are important to social…

Biology Discussion Task

Biology Discussion Task The purpose of this Biology Discussion is to help each other understand the main concepts presented in the chapters covered this week. General Biology, the required readings are Chapters 4 -7. *One of the entries MUST ask…

Nursing Emerging Technology

Nursing Emerging Technology Visit the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Healthcare IT News homepage Links to an external site. Select an article or white paper published on the HIMSS Healthcare IT News homepage within the past 6 months…