

Nursing Leadership Assignment

Nursing Leadership Assignment Competency Determine the attributes that help form the professional nurses’ identity. Apply principles of professional identity and professionalism. Scenario As a nursing student, you have a vision of your core values and expectations as a professional nurse.…

Nursing Literature Evaluation Table

Nursing Literature Evaluation Table In nursing practice, accurate identification and application of research is essential to achieving successful outcomes. The ability to articulate research data and summarize relevant content supports the student’s ability to further develop and synthesize the assignments…

Nursing Academic Integrity Task

Nursing Academic Integrity Task Using the Academic and Professional Success Development Template you began in Module 1, write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following: Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing Explanation for the relationship…

Nursing Agenda Comparison Grid

Nursing Agenda Comparison Grid Review the agenda priorities of the current/sitting U.S. president and at least one previous presidential administration. Tip: You can locate presidential agenda information by searching Google for your health topic and the president. For example, mental…

Nursing Community Project Task

Nursing Community Project Task To complete this assignment. Please refer back to your “Community Project Draft” and convert the information from your written assignment and begin to present in a PowerPoint format, which will include the following headings and content.…

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Task

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Task This morning, multiple cases of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) were identified in your hospital’s pediatric unit. RSV has the potential to spread very rapidly. The director of infection prevention met with the quality director, your manager,…

Nursing Community Health Needs

Nursing Community Health Needs In this assignment, we will zoom out to a larger concentric circle and consider the health of the entire community. On a larger scale, this impacts the health of those within it and creates the context…

Physiology genogram Creation Task

Physiology genogram Creation Task To satisfy Option B, you must watch the recording of the synchronous webinar and complete all of the following: Create and submit a genogram representing a family of at least five people. Record yourself acting as…

Physiology Kinesiological Analysis Report

Physiology Kinesiological Analysis Report Part 1: Paper (Kinesiological Analysis Report) Objective: The objective of the paper is to analyze a specific motion of the human body from a kinesiological perspective, including anatomical, biomechanical, and muscular analysis. Topic-SQUATS Instructions: Select a…

Philosophy Task-Physiology

Philosophy Task-Physiology Choose and answer a question from section 4 of the questions list. Please (you must!) include the question text in your discussion post! (if you answer two questions for section 4 this week, they must be different questions)…