

Physiology Market Research Analysis

Physiology Market Research Analysis Here are some resources to help you think about the question: Webpage: Market Research and Competitive Analysis (new tab) Webpage: Assessing Market Power – What is the Best Factor to Use to Determine Market Share and…

Nursing Health-Illness Research

Nursing Health-Illness Research Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. Discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care and present a holistic perspective of your current state of health in relation to the wellness spectrum by…

Nursing Health Promotion Differences

Nursing Health Promotion Differences we will explore the differences in health promotion across the lifespan. Please explore the Healthy People 2030 objectives related to children and adolescents and answer the prompts below: Visit the Health People 2030 page with objectives…

Surgical Unit Case Study

Surgical Unit Case Study Discussion 5 Sharon Gibson is a nursing student who is having a clinical rotation on the medical-surgical unit. She has two patients assigned to her. Mr. Duncan is 80 years old and was admitted last night…

Health Promotion Plan Creation

Health Promotion Plan Creation This week you will use your Health Promotion Plan (Week 5) to create a health education infographic. The information in your infographic should target a specific population group for your Healthy People 2030 topic and be…

Designing Hand Washing Brochure

Designing Hand Washing Brochure This assignment was created to be utilized for the Leadership experience. You will be required to choose any health disparity or co-morbidly vastly impacting our population in Atlanta area. The brochure should be three-panel front and…

Nursing Active Learning Assignment

Nursing Active Learning Assignment Decision Making Active Learning Assignment Content Chapter 14 in our textbook A HISTORY OF NURSING ETHICS The Nuremberg trials at the close of WWII offered disturbing questions. How can “good” people in traditionally honor-bound professions become…

Psychology Descriptive Statistics Task

Psychology Descriptive Statistics Task learning about descriptive statistics. Your group will need to apply what you are learning about descriptive statistics in order to complete your research project. For this discussion, you will take into consideration the variables your group…

Cultural Identities Interview Preparation

Cultural Identities Interview Preparation Part 1 In preparation for the final assignment, you will create 10 possible interview questions to ask your interviewee. Review the prompts for the M7: Final Assignment–Understanding and Exploring Diverse Cultural Identities to ensure that your…

Psychology Case Study Task

Psychology Case Study Task at least six references using APA formatting. Please answer the question below by analyzing the case study General Instructions Managing personal biases and utilizing a strengths-based perspective, describe your approach to working with the client. Please…