Nursing Expert

Nursing Expert

Reproductive Function Case Study

Reproductive Function Case Study Ms. P.C. is a 19-year-old white female who reports a 2-day history of lower abdominal pain, nausea, emesis and a heavy, malodorous vaginal discharge. She states that she is single, heterosexual, and that she has been…

Closing a Therapy Session

Closing a Therapy Session The way a therapist ends a session can significantly impact the client’s experience and their readiness for the next steps. After watching this discussion () think about your future approach to ending sessions with clients, or…

Early Adulthood Discussion

Early Adulthood Discussion During the span of adulthood, individuals experience various roles that impact their life-course and trajectory of development. These various life roles help to explain the psychosocial dynamics of the stage through their meaning, when and how they…

Mental Health Concerns

Mental Health Concerns Trauma is pervasive in our society, and it can have a profound impact on individuals, families, and communities. Additionally, the prevalence of trauma is growing. Regardless of the area of social work in which you wish to…

Body Organ System Assignment

Body Organ System Assignment Addresses Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4 Apply appropriate terminology in identifying and discussing human anatomy and physiology. Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology to real-world situations. Approach and examine anatomy and physiology issues…

Depression Resources – Practitioners & Clients

Depression Resources – Practitioners & Clients  Description: Students will identify one specific topic / issue (e.g., anxiety, post-natal depression) relevant to their professional interest and area of work (current or future i.e., as a counsellor, youth worker, chaplain or pastoral care worker). Ensure this is a new…

EBP Care Provision Strategies

EBP Care Provision Strategies Introduction Evidence-based practice is a key skill in the toolkit of the master’s-prepared nurse. Its goal is that health care practitioners use the best available evidence to improve population health outcomes and make the best clinical…

Abled Differently

Abled Differently Consider how others react toward a person with a visible disability. Do they stare? Do they move away? Do they invade the person’s space and ask inappropriate questions? Now consider someone with hidden, or invisible, disabilities, those that…

Community Event Reflection

Community Event Reflection For this assignment, you will engage in a reflective analysis of a community event of your choice from a sociological perspective. The goal of this assignment is to apply sociological concepts and theories to understand the dynamics,…

The Corporation Reflection

The Corporation Reflection View at minimum the first 1.5 hours of the documentary “The Corporation.” Select only one from the 3 topics below to reflect upon using our Intro to Sociology 3e Text, our Bucher text & Serenu Chapter readings to…