Nursing Expert

Nursing Expert

Race & Ethnicity – Aaron Case

Race & Ethnicity – Aaron Case People conceptualize their racial/ethnic identities and respond to inequalities in a variety of ways. Social workers must never make assumptions about a client based on experiences with other clients of the same group. Each…

Race and Ethnicity Paper

Race and Ethnicity Paper The election of the first Black president in 2008 and the first Black and South Asian vice president in 2020 may have appeared to some that the United States was a nation beyond race. But these…

Assignment – Child Poverty Rate

Assignment – Child Poverty Rate While there are policies intended to address the social problem of poverty, the definition of poverty itself is dictated by policy (i.e., the poverty rate as defined by the federal government). As a practicing social…

ST3003 Assessment

ST3003 Assessment The Normal Distribution and Confidence Intervals Part 1 — Confidence Intervals in Research For this section, refer to the following article from the Walden Library: Check tips on how to do your Nursing Assignment. References Siamisang, K., Kebadiretse,…

Week 4 Case Study 3

Week 4 Case Study 3 60-year-old white female presents to the ED PMH: anterior wall infarction and coronary artery bypass surgery HPI: In the past week, she’s been experiencing fatigue and decreased urine output. She feels as if her heart…

Week 4 Case Study 2

Week 4 Case Study 2 White female – age 35 Family history unremarkable Nonsmoker Occasional alcohol intake Subjective data: Patient reports: dizziness and nearly passing out when standing up; a recent weight loss of 30 lbs. in the past 6…

Week 4 Case Study 1

Week 4 Case Study 1 African American Male – age 49 Family history of hypertension Current smoker 1ppd x 30 pack history Assessment: No complaints of headache or chest pain. No edema. Labs:  Elevated total cholesterol with an LDL of…

Pulmonary Embolism Presentation

Pulmonary Embolism Presentation Give an overview of the patient with the presumptive diagnosis*. You can “create” a patient case based on your knowledge of the diagnosis, based on a patient you have seen in your work or personal experience. Give…

Century of Self Assignment

Century of Self Assignment question 1:  The documentary makes clear how psychological knowledge leads to consumer manipulation.  In approximately 200 words, what did you find most surprising about this historical look at our society? question 2:  Some of the manipulation…

Bipolar Disorders Case Study

Bipolar Disorders Case Study Answer the questions below based on the following case study. A 20-year-old woman with a past history of MDD is brought to the local emergency department (ED) by her family. She appears restless, pacing around the…