Nursing Expert

Nursing Expert

Nursing-PowerPoint Presentation Task

Nursing-PowerPoint Presentation Task Create 30 slides for a powerful PowerPoint based on the paper provided. Provide Key points only,4 to 6 per slide, and speaker notes. The presentation should include a cover slide with my information. Cover all salient points…

Nursing Care Plan Development

Nursing Care Plan Development In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, develop a comprehensive care plan for the aggregate based on the health risks faced by the aggregate that i identified in the risk assessment.…

The Evolution of Nursing Practice

The Evolution of Nursing Practice How has nursing practice evolved over time? Explain the significance of evidence-based practice and critical thinking in modern nursing.,Identify one key nursing leader and summarize one historical event that has shaped contemporary nursing practice the…

Nursing Plan of Care

Nursing Plan of Care Before any nursing plan of care or intervention can be implemented or evaluated, the nurse conducts an assessment, collecting subjective and objective data from an individual. The data collected are used to determine areas of need…

Nursing Clinical Experience Homework

Nursing Clinical Experience Homework Describe your clinical experience Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they? Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3…

Nursing Therapeutic Relationship Assignment

Nursing Therapeutic Relationship Assignment J.J is a nurse practitioner who works in a primary care facility. He believes that one of the most important aspects of his work is to foster a therapeutic relationship with his clients. He is using…

Nursing Discussion Questions Assignment

Nursing Discussion Questions Assignment Post a response answering the following: Explain the difference between ion channels and G proteins as they relate to signal transduction and targets of medications. How would you answer the following patient question: My grandmother has…

Nursing Cultural Interview Assignment

Nursing Cultural Interview Assignment Contact an individual from the cultural group selected in module two (with their consent) and conduct a cultural interview. Check tips on how to do your Nursing Assignment. This interview can be in person, over the phone,…

Telehealth Nursing Questions

Telehealth Nursing Questions What are the Pros and Cons to telehealth? How will you approach and perform a telehealth assessment? What are the limits to telehealth? What is the difference between the provider’s need for a successful telehealth visit versus…

Nursing Practice Evolution PowerPoint

Nursing Practice Evolution PowerPoint Building upon knowledge gained in the previous module, in this assignment, you will analyze the progression and continuity between the 2010 and 2020-2030 Institute of Medicine (IOM) nursing reports and their implications for future nursing practice.…