Developmental Psychology Term Paper

Developmental Psychology Term Paper

Expected Length

8 page-12 pages (of text not including, cover page, pictures, works cited page) Your primary source should be your textbook but you may also use other academic peer- reviewed articles.

Due date

Check Critical path or Blackboard calendar

Submission Instructions

  • Then type this assignment out in a Word document, proofread it, and then submit it as Word document (or PDF) to the Blackboard
  • Emailed assignments will not be accepted – make sure to submit on-time using link provided
  • Make sure to use title headers to separate sections (see example provided later in this document)

Developmental Psychology Term Paper

Assignment Instructions

Developmental psychologists look at people at 8 different stages of life (ages are approximate):

  1. Infancy and Toddlerhood 0-2
  2. Early Childhood 2-5
  3. Middle and Late Childhood 6-12
  4. Adolescence 13-18
  5. Emerging Adulthood 18-25
  6. Early Adulthood 25-45
  7. Middle Adulthood 45-65
  8. Late Adulthood 65+

Check Tips on how to do your Social Work Assignments. 

Developmental Psychology Term Paper

For each stage

  • Give a brief summary of the development that occurs during this time
  • Include/ integrate what you consider (was, is, or will be) the most important

developments in each stage from each of the three domains (physical, cognitive, psychosocial).

For your current life stage

  • Think about two or three big personal decisions you feel faced with (or issues that you are grappling with) at this time in your life.
  • Describe how these issues/decisions fit in the context of models of human development we have learned about in class

For each stage that you have already completed

  • Name a significant milestone that you believe you achieved at that stage. b. for the

earlier stages, it should be based in interviews with family members or, alternatively it can be speculative if you can’t interview anyone easily. The later stages, leading up to your present stage, should be based on your remembrances.

For each stage ahead of you

  • Discuss what you imagine will your life be like at that stage (i.e., where you think you will be and what you think you will be doing in that stage)
  • Describe two or three big personal decisions you feel will likely be significant for each stage ahead.

Developmental Psychology Term Paper

Hints and Tips

  • Make sure to Include a cover page and a works cited page
  • Make sure to use title headers to indicate / differentiate sections
  • Make sure to use lots of definitions and APA style in text citations for each and every section where course material is made use of
  • Make sure to include textbook and course material in your writing. This is very important

– this is the major term project worth a big chunk of your final grade

  • Make sure to make this self-reflective – discuss your own life and experiences (past, present, and future) in relationship to course material related to the four domains. You may say “I” in your writing – in fact in this assignment you should.
  • Make sure to use and cite the textbook – see the note on the purpose of the assignment on a previous page
  • Make sure to be creative – have fun in composing this. Humour is allowed.