Nursing Statistics Task

Nursing Statistics Task

Here are my clarifications (only use them to better understand the follow-up tasks that I assign below).

In order to fully meet the expectations each week and to learn the information that you need to understand the commonly used statistics to report practice projects results, you must find an article that uses the inferential statistic that is the focus for the week.
For the equations related to the inferential tests, use the ones in the handout related to inferential testing that I sent last week.
You do not need to write an introduction or provide an overview of the study for this course unless they are specifically asked for in the outline for the discussion. Starting in Week 8, the discussion topics will ask for some of these elements. Also, the Putting It All Together (PIAT) that is due in Week 9 plus the discussions in future courses will require those elements. Always follow the descriptions of the content given with each discussion.
You must find a second article each week related to a statistical concept covered in the week (chi-square in this case) or one of the concepts from the first three weeks (descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, clinical significance). You must put two paragraphs that summarize at least two points from the article.

Nursing Statistics Task
For APA format
The source of at least the purpose statement must be given with the purpose statement in the text of your answers in this format: (Widyowati et al., 2021, p. 236). The page number is only provided when direct quotes are used. Other than the purpose statement all additional content needs to be paraphrased.
In reference list entries, only the first word in the title of a journal article and the first word after a colon start with an upper-case letter.

Nursing Statistics Task
The volume (in italics), issue, and page numbers are also given in the reference citation at the end of the discussion. You do not need to skip so many lines between the content of the discussion and the reference list entries.
Follow-up Tasks. Your response is due Tuesday, 2.11.25.

Find a research article that reports the chi-square statistic. Only spend 20 minutes trying to find an appropriate research study. If you cannot quickly find a study let me know. and provide this information:
Purpose statement exactly as stated in the article (citing the author, publication year, and page #).
From the purpose statement, identify the population IV and one DV. What is the LOM and type of variable of the DV?
Write the Ho and Ha in words and equations using the format for the chi-square equation provided in the handout included in the announcement this week. Change the indicated parts to the groups and variable used in the article.
Were the assumptions for the chi-square test met in this study? Provide information given in the study that can be used to determine whether each assumption is or is not met. What information is not given?

What alpha level (level of significance) was used? Indicate where it is given in the article or if it is assumed.

Name the groups that were tested.

Check tips on how to do your Nursing Assignment

Nursing Statistics Task
Give the frequencies for the DV you chose for each of the groups.
Give the chi-square statistic (if provided) and p-value for the difference in frequencies for the DV you chose as a focus.
Specifically state the p-value rule for the results of this study to determine whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. The rule is found in the handout on statistical tests.
The effect size for chi-square results is reported as a Phi or Cramer’s V statistic (Kim et al., (2022), pp. 308-309. Give this value if given in the stud and interpret what it means in terms of the magnitude or clinical meaningfulness (clinical significance) of the result.
Subtract the frequency of the DV in one group from the frequency in the other group. To further determine the clinical significance of this difference in frequencies, use your knowledge, critical thinking, and experience with your patients and setting. Would you incorporate the intervention or treatment into your practice? Is your evaluation of the clinical significance of the findings consistent with the statistical significance for the findings and the value of the effect size? Explain your rationale.