Professional Writing Program Planning

Professional Writing Program Planning

This assignment builds on your needs assessment and environmental scan from week 6, working toward the Program Proposal assignment due later in the semester (see the assignment package for details). This program planning draft is the second step toward the overall assignment.

For this program planning draft, you will create a general outline of the program you will be proposing, and complete one week worth of content, which you will receive feedback on.


  1. Using the idea you developed in the needs assessment you will expand on your description of the program you are wanting to propose.
  2. Refine the parameters you used for your needs Describe a general need or population, age group, specific location within Ontario, and a practice setting that your program will focus on.

Professional Writing Program Planning


  1. Create a draf t outline for your Start with the overall objective (long-term goal) and start thinking about how you’d like to organize the content. This outline will include:
    1. Title: The name of your
    2. Overview: The general description of your
    3. Objective: Describe what the program will accomplish or
    4. Goals: Include one long-term goal (for the program) and short-term goals (based on the number of sessions, what will be accomplished each session.
    5. Who the program is for: What population, age, and need will be the target demographic for the program overall?
    6. General plan for the program overall, including weekly breakdown of topics, activities, etc. Each session only needs general details of what will be Where the sessions will take place, how often, the duration of each session, etc.

Check tips on how to do your CYC Assignment.

    1. Evaluation plan: What would you like to evaluate throughout? Think of the debrief questions for activities (open-ended, connecting to the objective) what would you like to track or measure, and how often? Will you use a questionnaire? Survey? Visual evaluation (emojis for accessibility and/or younger audiences)? See the example evaluation form in the week 7 slides).
  1. Create a detailed outline for one session (see the example on the week 7 slides). This will include timing, activities, layout of a session, you can choose which session. For the icebreaker and activities (outside of the information sharing) use the activity outline from first year (posted in the assignment folder). Include the

Professional Writing Program Planning

Use the template on the next page as a guide, please adjust as needed. The rubric follows the template.

APA title page







Target population:

General plan:

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4 Evaluation plan:

An introduction to the sample session, describing what the reader can expect.

Sample session:

  • Introduction (timing)
    • Overview of session
    • Session goal(s)
    • Icebreaker (with activity outline)
  • Content (timing)
  • Topic (repeat as needed; include timing)
    • Sub-topic
    • Sub-topic (repeat as needed)
  • Activity (with activity outline)
  • Debrief (timing)
  • Wrap-up(timing)
  • Evaluation

Professional Writing Program Planning

How you are being evaluated:

Constructive feedback Criteria: What your assignment should include: Strengths
Parameters of the program (5 marks)

Your draft includes a description of the general need or population, age group, specific location within Ontario, and a practice setting that your program will focus on.

Draft outline (10 marks)

Your draft outline includes a title, overview, objective, goals (short-and long-term goals) target audience

Overview (5 marks)

Your draft includes a general description of your program. The description is clear and provides a summary of what the program is about.

Objective (2 marks)

The objective describes what the program will accomplish or achieve.

Goals (3 marks)

Your program draft includes one long-term goal (for the program) and short-term goals (based on the number of sessions)and describes what will be accomplished each session.

General plan (5 marks)

The general plan for the program includes a description of where the program/sessions will take place, how often, the duration of each session, and a (general) weekly breakdown of topics, activities, etc.

Evaluation plan (5 marks)

Your evaluation plan describes what you are interested in evaluating, and how you plan to track or measure this, and what the purpose of

the evaluation will be. Why is this important to track?

Sample session (10 marks)

The sample session of your choice includes a general description for the reader to know what is included, and all the elements in the template. This includes: Introduction (with timing), an overview of the session, session goals (short-term) an icebreaker (with activity outline) content with timing, Topics and sub-topics (with timing)a main activity, a

debrief and wrap-up (with timing) and an evaluation component.

Writing quality (10 marks)

Your writing is clear, demonstrates your understanding of the program

planning process, and you respond to the questions with thoughtful descriptions and examples as necessary.

Submit your program planning draft in word format to the assignment drop box by the due date posted. If you need more time, I’m happy to discuss an extension in advance!