Psychology Discussion Board Task

Psychology Discussion Board Task
You are working with the Martinez family for therapy. Marta and Jose have been married for 4 years and have 2 children together. They are coming to see you due to increasing conflict and arguments about a lack of intimacy in their relationship and differing views on parenting. Utilizing structural family therapy, please identify how you would begin work with this family. What would be your strategies for the first three sessions? Consider each of the following scenarios and identify a behavioral intervention to address each issue in family work.

A teenager not complying with curfew.
One member of the couple not picking up their dirty clothes from off the floor.
A child who comes into the parents’ bed in the middle of the night.
A teen that has been using the computer in an irresponsible manner.
Provide a brief scenario in family practice in which there are two conflicting areas of ethical guidance from the NASW Code of Ethics. For this question, you are expected to give a brief description of the practice issue and identify the two conflicting ethical standards

Psychology Discussion Board Task.

Psychology Discussion Board Task

Aida and her teenage daughter, Maya, started seeing you for therapy. Maya has been getting in trouble at school for truancy, lateness to class, missed homework, and last week she was caught smoking in the school bathroom. Aida reports frustration in how to handle Maya’s increasing poor decision-making at school and defiance at home. Using the family theory of your choice, discuss how you would begin work with this family. To answer this question, you must select an appropriate family therapy theory discussed in this course and use that theory to develop a plan of work with this family. You should discuss how that theory will guide your assessment, interactions with the family, and intervention selection.

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Psychology Discussion Board Task

Greg and Aleeya began seeing you due to family conflict related to Greg’s alcohol abuse. Greg recently returned home from his third inpatient rehab placement for alcoholism, and the couple is struggling to redefine their marriage without alcohol as their main argument topic. Utilize solution-focused therapy to discuss a treatment plan for this couple. To answer this question, you should provide a brief treatment plan – one goal, two SMART objectives, and an intervention for each objective (what will you do, utilizing the theory, as the licensed social worker to support the family in achieving the objective?).