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Service Population Statement
Work Plan Assignment
15% of Final Grade
Students will create a work plan for their independent project. The work plan will include a specific description of the target population under study, a list of project goals (what will be produced), steps to be taken, starting time and deadlines for each step.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the assignment, students will:
- Identify a specific population to study
- Determine project goals – what they will produce by the end of the project
- List steps to be taken to achieve all project goals
- Articulate time lines – start of each step and deadline to complete each step
Service Population Statement
The purpose of the work plan assignment is to support students in breaking a large task (independent study) into smaller, achievable steps. The work plan will encourage students to effectively manage their time and create a meaningful independent project to advance their learning in a sector of social service work.
Check tips on how to do your Nursing Assignment.
Section 1 – Population under study
- What service population are you interested in learning more about? Be as specific as possible.
Youth is a general service population. A more specific population would be Street-Involved Youth
Seniors is a general population. A more specific population would be Seniors who have Alzheimer’s Disease
Families is a general population. A more specific population would be Single mothers on social assistance.
- Provide a 1. 5 – 2 paragraphs which include general information about the population group / social problem.
Service Population Statement
Section 2 – Create your Work Plan considering the course outcomes – include goals, steps and time lines, as per chart below. See template provided on BB.
Broad Goals | Steps | Start Time | Deadline |
What do you want to accomplish | List everything you have to do to accomplish your outcome | When will you start working on each step? | When will you complete the step? |
Section 3
How will you ensure you meet your deadlines? Explain your strategies and be specific.
For example:
- I will partner with my friend Sally in the class, and we will keep each other on track.
- I will use an app on my phone to remind me of tasks to accomplish each week.