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Spiritual Autobiography & Family Genealogy
After studying Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following in a single post:
You name.
Your location. (City, State)
Your academic major(s) and minor(s).
Your current job position.
Your career internship experience(s).
Your student club(s)
Your sport(s).
One unique experience, talent, or aspect you would like us to know about you.
What do you hope to do upon completion of your degree?
Your interests outside work – what you do for fun, relaxation, hobby.
Also, acknowledge that read the syllabus in its entirety and understand it.
Spiritual Autobiography & Family Genealogy
Share the following content with your classmates to the extent that you feel comfortable. If you prefer to share a more complete version with your professor only, then email the full version to them directly:
Your religious affiliation (and denomination):
The Name of your parish or congregation of worship and its location:
Your degree of religious commitment and your religious roles:
Your frequency of participation (including church services, Bible studies, teaching Sunday School, music or liturgical dance rehearsals, youth or young adult group meetings, et cetera):
Check tips on how to do your Nursing Assignments.
Your religious role(s) (such as: pastor, rabbi, bishop, priest, deacon, seminarian, sacristan, acolyte, musician, liturgical dancer, lector, catechist, Sunday school teacher, usher, youth group member, congregant, et. cetera).
Your sacramental history (such as: baptism (christening), reconciliation, eucharist/communion, confirmation, bat mitzvah, bar mitzvah, matrimony, religious order vows or promises, ordination):
List and describe your history regarding:
Intense religious or spiritual experiences, conversion, spiritual rebirth and/or the Holy Spirit
Spiritual Autobiography & Family Genealogy
These could be experienced in the many settings, such as: sacraments [including baptism, confirmation, reconciliation, eucharist, matrimony], church services, altar calls, wakes, funerals, spiritual concerts, retreats, churches, chapels, home, eucharistic adoration, icon contemplation, rosaries, processions, meditations, serving vulnerable & materially poor people, art [dancing, composing texts, drawing, painting, sculpting, composing music, playing music, singing], amidst Creation/Nature [star gazing, boating, sailing, canoeing, rowing, rafting, tubing, sledding, skiing, surfing, sailboarding, swimming, diving, snorkeling, SCUBA diving, biking, hiking, mountain climbing, running, skating, gymnastics, zip lining, bungy jumping, hang gliding, sky diving, piloting, other sports, seashores, lakesides, riversides, mountaintops, mountainsides, islands, et cetera])
Your family’s ethnicity(ies) and nationality(ies) of ancestral origin:
Turning points (such as: conversions) in the history of your family’s religious affiliation(s):
Note: When completing this assignment, why not use the Media RecorderLinks to an external site. to create a video or link to a YouTube videoLinks to an external site. to answer the questions above?