Supporting Liberation & Self-Determination

Supporting Liberation & Self-Determination 

SSW 208 The Political Process


To apply the experience and learning from the readings and discussions to practical situations related to liberation and allyship

Learning Outcomes:

The main course outcomes covered by this assignment are:

1) Demonstrate collaborative and effective management of relationships in accordance with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. Through cooperative and respectful group work as well as working on oppression for anti-oppression.

3) Develop a familiarity of historical and topical needs and experiences of clients. By identifying groups that have been oppressed, how they have been oppressed and the cycle of oppression to make effective anti-oppressive change.

5) Demonstrate the ability to address clients with dignity by promoting self-worth and in a non-judgmental manner.

6) Identify and distinguish between strategies and models which when applied garner a fulsome response in anti- oppressive advocacy. Understanding formal and informal sources of power and influence and demonstrating how power structures need to be engaged for effective advocacy.

8) Identify and implement models for effective advocacy. Discern what the injustices are and develop partnerships by identifying the various systemic power structures.

Supporting Liberation & Self-Determination

Supporting Liberation & Self-Determination 

To Submit in Your Report:

Part A – Groups Supporting Liberation from Oppression

Find a group working in Ontario and/or Canada who is supporting liberation and/or self-determination of an oppressed group – this could be groups who are doing activist work, or helping survivors of

certain experiences, or trying to help people avoid the negative impacts of their oppression, etc…. (e.g.,

like the group from the video from this module: Cowboys Roaming the Streets of Compton)

Answer the following questions (for each question: minimum of 40 words (approx. 20 seconds for audio/video); references are not required as long as the content is from the group’s website – however, direct quotes or materials from others sources should be cited:

Provide the group’s name and website link. In general, what is their main goal/purpose and what kinds of programs, activities, events and/or supports do they offer?

Pick ONE specific program, activity, event or support this group offers that helps improve conditions for the oppressed group they support – what it is about, who is it for, and how does it benefit the oppressed group?

What are some successes this group has had in terms of fighting oppression – what steps did they take and what is the impact they had?

Check tips on how to do your Social Service Work Assignment.

Supporting Liberation & Self-Determination 

Part B – The Case of Sam

Sam is a 28-year-old white female who lives for free in her brother and sister-in-law’s basement. Sam identifies as a lesbian; she has been with her girlfriend, Jacinda, for a few years and they want to move in together. They have been holding off on this because neither of them makes a lot of money and they don’t think they can afford to live on their own. They usually have to spend time outside of their homes as Sam’s sister-in-law and Jacinda’s father both openly disapprove of their relationship, specifically because they are dating another woman.

Sam is a high-school graduate and took one year of college. Even though she was able to pass most of her courses, she decided not to go back. Not only was she having trouble finding the money to pay for school, she found that her dyslexia made it hard to keep up with the materials and she often felt confused and frustrated in class, especially if the teacher asked her a direct question that she couldn’t answer. When this happened, she would often skip classes the next few times out of embarrassment. She also felt discouraged to return for a second year as one of the males in her program (and hence would be in most of her classes) would frequently make jokes about her being overweight.

Supporting Liberation & Self-Determination 

Sam now works part-time at McDonald’s; she likes her job, especially the routine and structure of making the food and filling the orders. However, she doesn’t like her boss, John. He often makes jokes about her weight and says things like “you’re lucky I let you keep this job, you aren’t very good at it” and “where would you be if you didn’t have me to put up with you”. He also often makes inappropriate jokes about lesbians. He usually follows up these kinds of statements and jokes by saying he’s “just teasing” and doesn’t mean anything by it.

Sam is significantly overweight as she often eats left-overs she gets from work because they are free and it helps her save money. She also has never learned to cook and avoids the kitchen in her house so she doesn’t have to spend time around her sister-in-law. She avoids exercise because she worries other people will make fun of her body if she tries to go to a gym or join a sports team.

Sam socializes with some of her girlfriend’s acquaintances, but she herself doesn’t have any significant friends. She doesn’t go out much because of having little money to spend; she does enjoy spending time on Facebook and is connected with many people there who have similar interests as she does.

Supporting Liberation & Self-Determination 

Assume you are Sam’s Social Support Worker. Answer the following questions (for each question: minimum of 40 words (approx. 20 seconds for audio/video); no references required):

What are Sam’s personal strengths? What other positive supports does she have in her life?

What are some steps you’d take when first starting to get to know Sam in terms of supporting her as an ally? (e.g., guiding principles you would keep in mind; specific things you would do or say – or would NOT do or say)

Briefly, share at least two different categories of oppression and at least two different categories of privilege Sam is experiencing? (hint: see categories from the power-flower activity for ideas)

Pick ONE category of oppression (from those noted above in question #3) impacting Sam – how is this manifesting in her life? What impact is this having on her?

Relating to the SAME category of oppression you picked in question #4, what are some actions you could support Sam to take to move toward self-determination and/or self-liberation?

Relating to the SAME category of oppression you picked in question #4, find one support (e.g., group, program, etc…) you would want to connect Sam to – who are they (include a website link) and why you think they would be helpful to Sam?

Supporting Liberation & Self-Determination

Part C – Self Reflection

Reflect on your experience of completing this assignment.

Answer the following questions (for each question: minimum of 40 words (approx. 20 seconds for audio/video); no references required):

What were some interesting or surprising things you experienced or learned while completing this

assignment (e.g., could be about your own self, an insight you gained, etc…)?

Share a specific quote from Chapter 7-10 of Bishop’s “Becoming an Ally” that affected how you think, your world view and/or how you feel about yourself – how has it has impacted you (along with your answer, please provide the quote and page/edition numbers; note: the quote doesn’t count toward word count)?

How will you approach your work as a Social Service Worker differently because of what you learned in the course so far relating to liberation and/or allyship?

Based on what you’ve learned so far, what are some actions you’d like to take to work on your own

liberation from the oppression(s) you experience?