Week 4 Case Study 3

Week 4 Case Study 3

60-year-old white female presents to the ED
PMH: anterior wall infarction and coronary artery bypass surgery


In the past week, she’s been experiencing fatigue and decreased urine output. She feels as if her heart is “beating out of my chest” and is having increased episodes of shortness of breath to the point she is sleeping on 4 pillows. Over the last two weeks she has noticed her ankles and feet are swollen making it difficult to wear her shoes.

Physical exam:

CV: S3 gallop, Resp: inspiratory crackles, Extremities: +3 edema of the lower extremities.


B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP): 495pg/ml; CBC: Anemia of chronic disease (AKD); Metabolic panel: Acute or chronic kidney disease

Check tips on how to do your case study assignment

Week 4 Case Study 3

Week 4 Case Study 3

Chest x-ray: Pulmonary venous congestion, Cardiomegaly, Pulmonary interstitial edema

EKG: Left ventricular hypertrophy

 Include the following in your discussion post:

1)Diagnosis- specifying type, 2) pathophysiology of diagnosis, 3) what lab/physical findings were key to helping you make this diagnosis? 4) What treatment measures are important for easing the patient’s symptomatology- include any patient education required.

Post your initial discussion by 11:59 PM ET on Thursday. ALL posts are to be 1) a minimum of 250 words (excluding the references), 2) scholarly written, 3) APA formatted (with some exceptions due to limitations in the D2L editor), 4) run thru Turnitin with score < 24%, and 5) be supported by a minimum of 2 references (one of which may include the course textbook and the other must be a peer reviewed article no more than 5 years old).

Week 4 Case Study 3

60-year-old white female presents to the ED
PMH: anterior wall infarction and coronary artery bypass surgery


In the past week, she’s been experiencing fatigue and decreased urine output. She feels as if her heart is “beating out of my chest” and is having increased episodes of shortness of breath to the point she is sleeping on 4 pillows. Over the last two weeks she has noticed her ankles and feet are swollen making it difficult to wear her shoes.

Physical exam:

CV: S3 gallop, Resp: inspiratory crackles, Extremities: +3 edema of the lower extremities.


B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP): 495pg/ml; CBC: Anemia of chronic disease (AKD); Metabolic panel: Acute or chronic kidney disease.